Looking for work

Looking for Work

One of the obvious limiting factors in choosing where you want to live is whether or not you will need to change your job and whether you can find a new job reasonably close to where you want to live. Many people living in social housing want to work but find it difficult to secure suitable employment. This can be for many reasons which could include childcare, disabilities and/or lack of training and skills. Please note all the links on this page will open a new window and take you to another web site.


Housing and Employment Destinations

Housing and Employment Destinations or HED is something we have created to help people back into work. You answer a series of questions and are then given information on a range of subjects that is relevant to you. In addition HED has job search functionality which shows vacancies available now. Click here to jump to the HED pages.


Job Shop

Barking & Dagenham Residents

The borough’s Job Shops can support residents with all aspects of looking for work, including CVs, job search, interview skills and short vocational training courses. You can find further details on the Barking and Dagenham website.


Newham Residents

Our Newham Work is a recruitment agency committed to supporting local people looking for work, and helping employers to find the right staff. Their free service is on offer to Newham residents and employers across London.


Workplace was developed to make sure local people benefit from local regeneration. They are a one-stop-shop where Newham residents can receive advice about their employment options or guidance about business start-up, and where employers across London can place their vacancies to recruit quality staff.

For more information, click here to go to the Our Newham Work website.

Other places that might help

Gov.uk is the main government website. It gives advice on training and employment. It even carries a number of available jobs which you can search for by area and type. You can search for jobs by type and area.  Click here to visit the gov.uk website.

Jobcentre plus is another government site which gives advice and tries to help people back to work - to open a new window and visit their website click here.

The London Mayor's web site also has advice on finding work, to visit this web site with general advice click here or you can click here to see the specific jobs available now. It has plenty of advice and other web site links. If you want information on Apprenticeships you can click on this link.


There is sometimes specific help for those looking for work or who have just found work. The best place to keep track of these is on the Citizens Advice Bureau website which you can find here.