Welcome to the Redbridge page on the East London Lettings company website
To Apply to join the Redbridge Housing Register Click Here
If you are applying to join the Redbridge Housing Register waiting list before you apply please see the full Housing Allocation Policy 2017
Bidding for properties
Only bid for properties that you are willing to accept. In line with the Housing Allocation Policy 2017 - the council will apply a one offer only policy, you will receive one offer of a suitable property following a successful bid or direct match, if you refuse the offer then your application will be downgraded to a lower banding for 12 months, after which time you can reapply and your case will be assessed as a New Application.
Where can I find out what properties are available?
Properties are advertised every Friday on the East London Lettings Company (ELLC) website you can view available properties in a number of ways:
- Through the CHUK website where property information can be viewed for customer use at home, in libraries and on smart phones at
- A downloadable document which contains details of all the properties will be available on the ELLC website for customers to print off if they would prefer not to view on screen.
- Customers can use kiosks sited in the Customer Contact Centre, Orchard Housing Office and Hyleford Hostel both to view properties and to bid
Contact Us
For further support call us on 020 8708 4002 or 020 8708 4003. To visit the Redbridge website click here - this will open a new window. If you know of an empty property please call 020 8708 7649
Applying for Housing
If you are applying to join the Redbridge Housing Register waiting list, please complete the form here
Where can I find out what properties are available?
Properties are advertised every Friday on the East London Lettings Company (ELLC) website you can view available properties in a number of ways:
- Through the CHUK website where property information can be viewed for customer use at home, in libraries and on smart phones at
- A downloadable document which contains details of all the properties will be available on the ELLC website for customers to print off if they would prefer not to view on screen.
- Customers can use kiosks sited in the Housing Advice Centre, Orchard Housing Office and Hyleford Hostel both to view properties and to bid - We will print off copies of the downloadable document on request at the Housing Advice Centre and Orchard Housing Office
Local Service Centres
Allocations Policy
When bidding closes the system will sort bids by the applicant's effective date which is the applicant waiting longest for a particular size and type of property. It will then identify the applicant with the greatest housing need. The order is those with Additional Preference and then those with Reasonable preference and finally those who have no Reasonable Preference.